Budgeting Tips For Beginners: How to Budget in 2024

Do you want to learn the best budgeting techniques to achieve your goals comfortably? Are you looking for an easy way to determine where your money is going at the end of the month? A budget is the most convenient way to get a complete financial picture.

Secondly, avoiding debts, saving extra money, and accomplishing different goals are helpful. This content will discuss the budgeting purpose, tips, methods, tools, personal experiences, and more.

How to Budget Money on Low-Income

Learning the tips for financial freedom is necessary because many people fail and live paycheck to paycheck due to the lack of budgeting education.

People who make a budgeting plan and stick to it are helpful to get out of debt, keep grocery bills under control, and save for retirement or other unexpected future expenses.

Saving money for short- and long-term goals should be relatively easy if you follow these practical budgeting tips. They aren’t just for the rich. 

Budgeting Tips for Beginners

What’s the Purpose of a Budget?

The primary purpose is to get financial stability because it tells where your money is gone at the month’s end. According to Dave Ramsey, ‘ Giving every dollar a name.’ A good budgeting plan takes time to move in the right financial direction.

After following a plan, people can easily track their expenses, build an emergency fund, pay bills on time, and save money for home or car expenses. All individuals must have a budget, whether they make $5,800, $58,000, or $580,000 annually.

According to some research, it is estimated that two-thirds of the United States population fails each month and lives tightly because they don’t have budgeting knowledge.

Budgeting Tips For college students

How to Create a Budget?

Here are the 6 steps that you can consider to make a budget.

1. Calculate Net Income:

Firstly, while creating a budget, determine the net income you get back home at the month’s end after paying all the taxes. You better set your spending and savings goals if you understand where your money comes from.

It will enable you to understand how you spend and save money. Start by figuring out how much income you can contribute to your household. Instead of the monthly salary, focus on net income to avoid overspending.

Secondly, keeping a record of the contract or salary income is necessary. As well as organize the irregular income whether you are a self-employed, freelancer, contractor, or gig worker. 

2. Track Spending:

The second step is to keep a record of your monthly spending. Track all the expenses and look for different opportunities to save money. List all your regular or monthly fees, such as utility bills, rent, and car payments.

Moreover, keep a record of all the variable expenses because they are not constant and change each month. And consider different effective ways to minimize the variable expenses to save money. Use various tools to record all the costs, such as a pen, budgeting spreadsheet, and mobile application. 

The Fixed Expenditure may Include:

  • Monthly rent
  • Insurance costs.
  • Heating and electricity bills
  • Student loan repayments

The Variable Expenditure may Include:

  • Grocery shopping 
  • Clothes shopping
  • Entertainment
  • Eating out
  • Gas

3. Set Realistic Goals:

Make short-term, medium-term, and long-term financial plans because they motivate individuals to stick to a budget and live a comfortable life. Realistic goals help individuals to cut their extra spending.

Credit card debt payments and emergency funds are included in short-term goals; the estimated time to achieve them is one to three years. In contrast, long-term goals take decades to complete. 

A Short-term Savings Goal Includes:

  • Weekend vacation
  • Emergency fund
  • Car’s down payment
  • A piece of furniture

Long-term Savings Goals Include:

  • Flat or a house a deposit 
  • World Tour
  • Child’s education
  • Starting up your own business
  • Paying off any long-standing debt
  • Retirement saving
Budgeting Tips for Beginners

4. Make a plan:

Always plan to determine where your income is gone at the end of the month. Include fixed or variable expenses in a list and compare the spending with net income. It is helpful to break down all the unnecessary costs and know the fundamental difference between need and want to achieve financial goals.

For example, if you use a car to go to the workplace, the gasoline expense counts as needed. In contrast, a music subscription is known as want. 

Here are examples of needs:

  • Shelter
  • Food 
  • Transportation cost 
  • Clothing
  • And many more.

5. Adjust your Spending to Stay on Budget:

A balance between spending and income is necessary to avoid overspending and save money to achieve financial goals. Firstly, for adjustment, determine your wants to cut the extra expense.

For example, watching a movie at the theatre or outside a home is a want, and you can save money to watch it at home. In contrast, it can be challenging to adjust spending on needs. A minor adjustment helps to save a lot of money.  

Here are the Budget Categories:

  • Clothing
  • Mortgage/Rent
  • Food
  • Water/Sewer/Trash
  • Car Payment
  • Electric/Gas
  • Fuel 
  • Medicine/Toiletries
  • Phone
  • Auto Insurance
  • Internet
  • Loan/Debt Payments
  • Entertainment
  • Savings for Future Expenses

6. Review your Budget Regularly:

After making a budget, review it regularly and check the overall spending. This practice helps to determine whether you are on the right path. Many factors affect a budget.

For example, a salary increase will automatically expand expenditure. So it is necessary to check the budget and make necessary changes on time to get positive results.

Budgeting Tips for Beginners: Why you need a Budget

All individuals need a reasonable budget to get financial stability, and it has a lot of advantages. 

Here are the top four reasons:

  • It is essential to come out from paycheck to paycheck cycle. 
  • It is easy to manage your money.
  • It helps to live on less than your earning 
  • Quickly get out of debt 
Budgeting Tips for Beginners

Methods for Budgeting:

Many people follow various budgeting types according to their desire or want. For example, some people follow a kind while other follows a combination of different types. Here are the popular budgeting methods.

Zero-Sum Budget:

A zero-sum budget means deducting all expenses from income, and the balance should be zero at the end of the month. This plan helps you figure out every dollar you earn.

First, divide all the items into different categories: food, utilities, housing, debt repayment, and transportation. Then, track how much money you spend from each type and for what purpose.

A zero balance does not mean you have no money left in your account or pocket at the end of the month. The balance is zero if all expenses are subtracted from income. The money you save is also considered as monthly expenses.

Cash-Based Budget:

This budget plan benefits those who pay more because it controls spending. It is also known as the cash envelope system because it depends on cash. After following the cash-based budget, easily monitor the in-action budget.

Secondly, this plan is perfect for the clothing, food, entertainment, grocery, gas, and restaurants category. Use envelope budgeting apps for electronic funds.

If someone does not have cash, they can use credit or debit cards to make payments. This method will make you more aware of where your money is spent, making it much more difficult to overspend.

How it Works: 

  • Firstly, distribute major categories in different envelopes.
  • Secondly, assign an appropriate amount for each category.
  • Thirdly, withdraw cash and distribute it in each designated cash envelope. 
  • After that, spend all the money from each category. It stops overspending because all the envelopes have specific cash. You can reallocate more money if you have more funds. 

50/30/20 Budget:

Budgeting Tips For young adults

Try to make your budget as simple as possible. It is easier to maintain and not deal with overwhelming tasks. Track your spending more easily by following a simple budget structure instead of tracking dozens of categories.

Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced the 50/30/20 budget plan. It is the simplest budgeting method. She distributes the total income in different percentage buckets, as follows.


Designate the 50% budget for different needs such as housing, minimum debt payments, transportation, food, health care, and essential clothing. 


Designate the 30% budget for wants such as entertainment, restaurant meals & takeout, streaming services, beauty services, accessories, and gym membership.


Designate the 20% budget for investments, savings, and debt payoff. It includes an emergency fund, mutual funds, retirement accounts, stocks, and extra debt payments. 

30-30-30-10 Budget:

It means distributing the total income into four different categories. Below are the 30-30-30-10 budget plan rules.  

  • Use 30% of income for housing expenses
  • Allocate 30% of revenue for essential expenses.
  • The following 30% will be used for current and future monetary goals.
  • Spent the remaining 10% on vacations

Bare-Bones Budget:

This budgeting plan is suitable for reducing expenses. It is known as a lifesaver and helpful for those who recently lost their job or faced a salary reduction. 

Here are the expenses that are included in the different categories:

Utilities – Electricity/gas, water/sewer, trash service

Insurance – Home, auto, life, and health

Transportation – Errands, to and from work, doctor appointments

Health Care See if you qualify for state-run insurance.

Minimum Debt Payments: Continue making minimum payments on your mortgage/rent, auto, credit cards/loans, etc.

Use of the Right Tools:

Many tools are available to make human work more accessible and determine where your money is spent. Always use the right tools to achieve success. The easiest way to track your finances is by using a budgeting app such as Mint. You can also track your shopping or healthcare costs. The tools remind or warn if someone has spent too much from a particular category.

Budgeting Tips for Beginners

Adapt to Every Month:

While preparing a budget, always use a calendar to keep an eye on special occasions. For example, you need money for different occasions such as vacations, birthdays, and holidays. Secondly, you also require money for back-to-school supplies or routine car maintenance.

Immediately Pay Off your Debt:

Doubtless, paying off debt is one of the most significant elements. Use debt snowball and the 7 Baby Steps method to get rid of debt as quickly as possible. 

Make Financial Goals:

Always plan to achieve financial goals and stick to them for positive results. Financial plans are essential to motivate someone, whether trying to pay down student loans, buy a home, or save for retirement.

Budgeting Tools

Below are a few budgeting tools to get assistance and good results. 

Pen & Paper:

Pen and paper is the most popular and most accessible tool to make a plan. It involves inserting all your monthly expenses, bills, etc. A good desktop calculator is necessary if you choose a old-traditional pencil and paper method. I use this tool because it is freely available and the easiest way to get up close with your budget.

Below are free printable budget templates to start your work.

how to budget money on low income


In today’s technology world, software such as Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel is used to make a reasonable budgeting plan. This software offers free spreadsheet templates to make your work easier. After providing all the data, the template will automatically calculate and prepare results for you.


The majority of people have smartphones and use different apps. In a market, many budgeting apps effectively figure out all the expenditures.  

Below are the popular budgeting apps:

  • Mint
  • YNAB
  • Digit
  • Goodbudget
  • Personal Capital
  • Everydollar

Printable Budget Template:

This tool is used for budgeting plans such as 50/30/20, zero-sum, or bare-bones. A printable budget template is free and helpful even if you don’t have a printer. It offers an editable text template to insert new data. Open a template with Adobe Acrobat software and insert all the latest data.  

Cash Envelope Wallet

A cash envelope wallet is equally popular among men and women. It comes with 12 budget sheets and 12 envelopes to organize your money. This tool is supportive if you follow the cash envelop system because users can easily learn everything. 

How to Reduce Variable Costs in Your Budget?

Compared to fixed costs, variable costs offer more flexibility in saving because they constantly fluctuate monthly or quarterly. The variable expenses fluctuate for many reasons, such as unexpected bank charges, birthday gift purchases, property taxes, and dinner costs.

If you are planning to reduce variable costs, there is no need to stop enjoyment from your life. Use different techniques to save a little bit more money and make your life easier.

Here are a few tips to reduce variable costs:

Pause Before You Purchase:

It is important to ask some questions before buying any item. Always ask yourself whether a single item is sufficient compared to a whole bag. This strategy helps save money because you get an answer that you want or need that item. 

Plan for Seasonal Expenses:

Many think about their fixed or variable costs and why they need a budget. It is typical to answer because it differs from one individual to another and changes after a certain period. There are different types of workers, from freelancers to full-time employees. Determine all the things by planning your budget. 

Alternatively, if your income is low, you may be trying to stretch every last dollar to save money. We compiled a few tips to manage money better, regardless of income level.

Track your Expenses:

It is essential to determine the variable expenses and maintain a record accurately. Know how much money you spend on food, gas, toiletries, gifts, travel, and rent. You can use different old and advanced tools to record all expenses.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race:

Pay full attention to reducing variable expenses. For example, at the beginning of every month, you will set aside a certain amount for your savings goals and fixed costs. The remainder of the balance will be used to pay the variable costs for the month with the rest of the balance.

What else can I do to save money?

The following are some tips that might be useful for you if you are trying to save money:

  • You should write down a month’s spending and compare it to your budget. Quitting a cup of coffee can add up to a lot of money if you do it regularly over a long period. Knowing where your money has been spent lets you decide what you might not want to buy.
  • Payment should only be made with your credit card. Pay as much of the bill as you need when the bill is received and the amount is sufficient. Therefore, you can remove your debt from your credit record without paying interest.
  • You should always pay your bills on time so that you are in a position to manage your money well. The advantage of doing this is that you won’t be subject to late fees or other costs.
  • Savings and expenditures should be kept apart so that they don’t interfere.
  • It’s better to open a different account for home or spending cash. 

How to Stick to A Budget

Be Honest:

Honesty is an essential factor in sticking to a budget. For example, if the average monthly grocery bill is $500, don’t allocate it to $350. If you do it, your budget will fail, and you cannot achieve your financial goals. 

Know you’re ‘why’:

If you know your “Why,” you can easily build an emergency fund, get out of debt, and save for a house or car. Create a budget, whether your monetary goal is small or large, because it motivates you to keep forward. 

Give yourself Grace:

Initially, you could fail in the first two or three months. It would be best if you stuck to the budget because, sooner or later, you will get good results. 

Change your Money Mindset:

Most people consider it an undesirable task. According to research, the results are not in your favor if you follow budgeting methods with a negative, restrictive, and evil mindset. It is important to change your mindset to get good results. 

Pay Yourself First:

Firstly, pay yourself and squeeze out a little amount to get motivation while sticking to a budget even if your financial condition is tight. Deposit this money to another account for future savings or purchase something special. The average allowance is $10 to $100.  

Budgeting Tips For Beginners

How to Make a Budget?

Record your Income:

The first step is to record all the regular or irregular income. In a list include different money-related things such as 

  • How much is your income?
  • Where do you earn from
  • How often is your weekly, monthly, or yearly income?

Add up your expenses:

In a list, including all the regular or cost of living expenses.

Fixed Expenses

  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Council rates
  • Phone, electricity, and gas bills
  • Medical and insurance costs
  • Household expenses
  • Family costs, such as child care, school fees, and sporting activities
  • Transport costs

Debt Expenses

  • Credit card payments
  • Loan repayments
  • Mortgage repayments

Unexpected Expenses

  • Car repairs costs
  • Increase bank charges fees
  • Medical bills
  • Fancy dinner cost
  • Pet costs

Subtract Expenses from Income:

The third step is to include all your monthly needs or wants and subtract them from the monthly income. 

Set your saving goals:

Always set saving goals to get good results. Knowing your wants lets you easily determine how much money you save from this category. 

Adjust your budget:

Adjust your budget according to your lifestyle and instantly change it as things change. For example, reduce your spending if there is an increase in expenses and adjust the saving goals.  

Make budgeting easier:

Open separate bank accounts for each category. And assign accounts for different purposes, such as

  • Bills and expenses
  • Spending
  • A higher interest savings


Budgeting should be considered your ability to plan your expenditures rather than a way of managing your money. To get a better grip on your finances, keep track of your expenditures to see what is working and determine where your money is going. 

Keep a daily or weekly record of your spending. At the start of the budgeting process, evaluate your budgeting method every month. Once you’ve figured out the best method, use it at longer intervals to get good results.

Sharing Is Caring:

Jessica joined savvybudgetnow in 2022 as a Content Analyst. An MBA-Finance graduate from Alaska Pacific University with three years of experience. She is a seasoned content writer specializing in finance niches and has worked as a content writer with Yahoo Finance, adding to her extensive expertise. Follow her on Twitter (@JessicaArn97) and LinkedIn (@jessica-arnold-53132120b)

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